
Problem Solving: The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. provides unique solutions tailored to meet its client’s needs. One size fits all is not the way that the Legal industry should be, unfortunately that’s the way too many lawyer’s and law firm’s treat their client’s. At the Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. […]


Since its inception, The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. has been committed to meeting the goals and objectives of its clients. Our firm does not make promises of settlements or of winning, because frankly not every case is winnable. We will however promise to do our very best in analyzing their case and […]


Your Matter Matters Most… At The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. we will not rest easy unless we know that we have done the best possible job for our clients. Our loyalty is indivisible. Snyder & Janay arrive at their office early and stay late. The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. […]


The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. believes that the legal profession is a noble one and as members of the legal profession it is our duty to uphold the ethical values that are at its core. One basic tenet of our practice is that we are always candid and truthful in our advice. […]

LOBEJ Welcomes Diaby Foulematou to the Firm!

The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. wholeheartedly welcomes Diaby Foulematou to the firm. Diaby is a Parisian who has come to LOBEJ to further her studies at the Van Gough School, where her studies are aimed at completing postbaccalauréat degree, with a focus on becoming a trilingual Executive Professional Assistant. We hope that […]